Today’s donation is very exciting because I was able to donate to one of the organizations that I am part of at UofM. Global Health Alliance is a public health organization that works to form sustainable partnership models with our partners Joy-Southfield Community Development Corporation in Detroit and Green Umbrella School in the Putsor Community in Cambodia. These partnerships are formed with the intention of the partener eventually becoming self-sufficient and sustainable independently. We run nutrition workshops, gardening programs, and education programs in order to provide healthy food and nutrition education to the community. We also work to achieve sustainable development, facilitate leadership programs, and lead livelihood workshops for adults and English classes for children.
We raise an annual amount of $6,000 to achieve all of these goals. One of the fundraising events we had this year is a bake sale. I saw it as the perfect opportunity to donate something to this great organization. I decided to bake blondies for the fundraiser, which were sold out after the first day of the sale! I had a great time baking for Baking a Difference again, and I will be back in the kitchen soon!